Change is hard

I’m on the move. Not physically but digitally. Moving my newsletter from Mailchimp to Substack.

Besides my Rabbit Hole of Research newsletter, Substack will also be home to my podcast, and more regular updates about other creatives, my writing journey and the lessons I learn along the way.

I’ll try to update the blog here with updates as well, but please consider joining me at Substack. Hope to see you there.

Happy New Year 2023

Wishing you a wonderful and healthy 2023

I’m kicking off the new year with a bang and going to be a guest and panelist at MarsCon 2023 in Virginia Beach, VA!

MarsCon January 13-15th 2023!

I’ll be on six panels:

1. Religion, Magic and Science

2. Worldbuilding: Food and Drink

3. Researching Your Story

4. Do They Still Need HMO’s in Your World?

5. Dystopia is a Double Edge Sword for the Author

6. How Do You Define SciFi in 2023?

I am so excited. This was one of my personal goals of 2022 to be invited to a Con and be on panels talking about science and science fiction. Come on down and check it out! Hope to see you there.

Happy December! And that means it’s almost 2022!

Happy Holidays!

It’s December and I am unsure where the year has gone.The last couple months have seemed to drag along, but it’s time for holiday cheer, egg nog, cookies, lights and all that jazz!

As the year winds down, I got the first round of Developmental Edits from my agent (Developmental edits are 30,000 foot big picture edits of the manuscript, plot, pacing, character arcs, etc.). I know a lot of folks don’t like the editing process, but I actually enjoy it. What do you like more, editing or writing? I’m curious, email me and let me know!

When people ask why do you need to work with critique partners, writing groups or developmental editors, I always say, “they are the eyes in the author’s blind spots.”

That’s right. No matter how much love I’ve put into crafting a twisty plot that will keep you turning the page, the tone, pacing, emotional growth of my characters always improve going through these important developmental edits.

Always remember not to take the comments personally. I know it is hard to send your baby out into the world and someone tells you your favorite scene drags on, before you go into crazy mode, remember these are just suggestions, one person’s thoughts, but this is someone whose judgment you respected enough to send you baby to in the first place.

So, when I get back comments, I read them, I mumble and curse to myself under my breath about how idiotic the negative comments are (the positive comments are always spot on) then I put the comments away (I may read the positive comments again, but then put it away) for a couple days or so, and busy myself with something else. After the excitement of finally moving forward with the manuscript fades a bit, I approach each comment in a serious and thoughtful way.

Even if you disagree with a comment or potential change, you should revisit that scene or the character’s emotional arc, tone, sensitivity, colorism, physical abuse, sex, abrasive language, etc.

If you are still hesitant to go in and take the scalpel or sledgehammer to your baby, copy the section(s) or chapter(s) in question into a new document (save it as MS_awesome_as_is), turn on track changes (they should already be on) and then experiment with changing the scene or section within your manuscript, and see what you think (ask yourself honestly, do things read better? The same? Or the original was the bee’s knees!)

I’ll be the first to admit that cutting and rewriting big chunks of your perfect baby is hard. My WYS_awesome_as_is file for Will You Still Love Me… was about 20,000 words over a couple rounds of Developmental edits (I cut an entire chapter), but in the end the pacing of several chapters improved, characters and plot lines I introduced but never fully fleshed out were removed and all this created space to more fully explore the world and growth of the main characters of the novel, Alex, Marci and Leslie.

And, bonus that chapter and other stuff you cut may be useful as a scene in the sequel (Did I mention I finished the first draft of Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else part 2!)

Okay, I’m going to get off my, “editing is great,” soapbox, but I’ll share more of my process as I go along, like how I edit scenes in my stories using Comic book Panel formatting. But, more on that later.

Speaking of Comics, I just found out earlier this week that Rabbit Hole of Research (atomicnumber14 (Georgia) and I) will have a table at the NWI-Comic Con in February 12th 2022!!!

Mark your calendar: more details coming soon!

If you missed it:

My paranormal romance werewolf shifter novella, ‘Eve’was released October 31st in the Moonlight Anthology! You can Order it Now: Kindle Unlimited, ebook and paperback!

Also, check out my debut Sci-Fi Psychological Thriller Novel, ‘Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else?’ Order online Now: e-book and paperback!

Buy a book from my web-store (paperback or hardback)anytime before December 24th 2021, and get a free original relief print that has been featured on Rabbit Hole of Research!!!

Okay, Enjoy the rest of the day! you can always email or follow me online for real time tracking and to see what craft beers I’m drinking (find me on Untappd @jomega22).

November 13th: How to Balance Handwavium and the Actual Factual in your story

I often get asked how does a research scientist balance using Handwavium to write Speculative Science fiction or Paranormal stories and staying Actual Factual?

So, little secret, I don’t try to keep any balance. I do a bit of research (sometimes I get lost in the Rabbit Hole of Research) about things that I may use in a story trying to learn more about the history/origin of paranormal legends and think about how these phenomena can be explained using science fact, or research how a technology may work and the limits that exist today and push past these limits in a “speculative” way to create interesting plot twists in a story.

Yet, after I do research, I often put it away, and focus on writing the first draft (just get those words down), and not let the Actual Factual box my story in.

It is in latter drafts where I square the Actual Factual using as little of Handwavium as possible to plug those pesky plot holes (which I like to explore in the Rabbit Hole of Research).

Speaking of werewolves (I did an episode on the science of werewolves; check it out here) and balanced the Paranormal with Actual Factual in writing my paranormal romance shifter novella, ‘Eve’:

My paranormal romance werewolf shifter novella, ‘Eve’was released October 31st in the Moonlight Anthology! You can Order it Now: ebook and paperback!

Also, check out my debut Sci-Fi Psychological Thriller Novel, ‘Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else?’ Order Now, e-book and paperback!

Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else?

It’s October 16th, What’s up Jotham?

Hey y’all, I hope this email finds you safe and well. No matter how you found my newsletter, thank you for joining.

I know what you are thinking, “Jotham, what is this Rabbit Hole of Research?” Well, my newsletter comes out twice a month (this is the goal), one edition will feature an author interview, book promos/samplers and giveaways; The second edition will explore the quirky science in fiction. Also, I say Handwavium a lot. Handwavium is a fictional material used to smooth plot holes.

So, a couple quick updates and no Handwavium.

A lot has happened since the last Rabbit Hole of Research newsletter—I am now represented by the literary agent Kat Kerr at the Donald Maass Literary Agency!

I am excited to work with Kat!

Other thing that has gained some attention in the last couple week is my mustache! I’ve been trying different waxes to tame the might-stache—you can follow the adventures of the stache and craft beers I’m drinking on Instagram. Been trying some different waxes to tame, shape, the stache.

The other thing you may have noticed if you follow me on SocialMedia AtomicNumber14 (Georgia) and I have officially combined our talents for your enjoyment on Rabbit Hole of Research newesletters. We will be putting together some Zines in the near future combining my words and Georgia’s prints.Georgia’s prints are on display at Studio 659 art gallery in Whiting, IN.

Last weekend, Georgia and I along with two friends finally got to see RENT. During the lockdown there was a NPR story about the 25th anniversary tour and the life and legacy of Jonathan Larson (Check it out here).
I was driving down the relatively empty streets of Chicago and my eyes teared up listening to this—Once parked I immediately texted my good fried who is a huge RENT fan and asked if she wanted to go (she has seen RENT with her wife 10+ times). She said yes! LOL
This was the first live performance we all had been to since early 2020. Masked, vaccinated and it was nice to be out and see this fabulous performance. Also, I discovered that I really enjoy musicals—

And finally, my paranormal romance shifter novella, ‘Eve’ was delivered to the publisher and will be released October 31st in the Moonlight Anthology! You can Preorder it now!

Also, the publisher just let us know that a limited number of paperback copies will be available—stay tuned for more on that.

Click Here to PreOrder Now

Okay, That’s all the major updates and news. And you can always email or follow me online for real time tracking). So, no author interview this month, but did find some awesome authors to share and book fairs!

What’s up Jotham in September?

Hey y’all, I hope this email finds you safe and well. No matter how you found my newsletter, thank you for joining.

I know what you are thinking, “Jotham, what is this Rabbit Hole of Research?” Well, my newsletter comes out twice a month (this is the goal), one edition will feature an author interview, book promos/samplers and giveaways; The second edition will explore the quirky science in fiction. Also, I say Handwavium a lot. Handwavium is a fictional material used to smooth plot holes.

So, a couple quick updates and no Handwavium.

So, the last couple weeks have been extremely busy. With bookstores and festivals opening up again, I have been able to do book events and signings!!

I was at Green Door Bookstore in Hobart, IN September 4th. It’s a super cool spot with a lot of art and writing events, and all the used books are 1 dollar!! Go check them out!

I am planning to do an Art and Science style lecture there sometime in October or November, stay tuned!

Signing Books at the GreenDoor BookStore

September 11th and 12th I was at the 36th Annual Chicago Printer’s Row Lit Fest!! It was a blast to hang out with writers from Chicago Writers Association and the Illinois Woman’s Press Association!

Hanging out on a warm September Summer day at the Printer’s Row Lit Festival!

If you missed me at these signings, never fear, I have signed copies for you to order at my online shop

Also, my paranormal romance shifter novella, ‘Eve’ will be in the Moonlight Anthology! You can Preorder it now!

Click Here to PreOrder Now

Okay, That’s all the major updates I can share at this moment (can always email or follow me online for real time tracking). So, let’s move on to Katherine Soto’s interview, and awesome promos and giveaways!

Personal Update: It’s July 10th and I Ain’t Got Time To Bleed!

Happy July! I know we are a week or so in, but it’s never to late to spread some joy! The past week has been crazy and the crazy weather didn’t help. So what happened? My sump pump died and got about one inch of water in the laundry room—I jumped into action and replaced the sump pump, but while changing it I accidentally sliced my finger.

I was almost finished with installing the replacement sump pump when I cut my finger, so I wrapped a towel around my bleeding finger and continued to install the sump pump. My youngest son came up to me and said, “Dad, you’re bleeding”

I shook my head and responded, “I ain’t got time to bleed.”

print available @atomicnumber14

After I got the sump pump installed and most of the water cleaned up, I did go to urgent care. They patched me up with a few Steri Strips (did have a nice conversation with the Doc about stitches vs Steri Strips). I’m glad to report about a week later my finger is healing nicely!

In writing land, I finished the first round of edits on the two Novellas that will be published this fall (hurt finger cannot stop editing). Waiting to get some beta-reader feedback, but will have to send them off to editor for proofreading in August. 

Get ready and order your copy of Moonlight now (my novella, “Eve” will be in this along with any many other wonderful authors!)

Preorder ‘Moonlight: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance Anthology’ is now available here.

Preorder Moonlight now!

My novella Eve, is about a werewolf named Eve (And yes, I did a science of werewolf episode). Eve is looking to protect her pact, to survive, and falling in love with a human is not part of her plan. As I mentioned, there is an awesome lineup of authors that I’m happy to be working with, so click the link and preorder Moonlight now

And, you read correctly, I said two novellas are being released this fall. The second will be in the Emerging Worlds Anthology. I am doing a post-zombie novella titled, “The Cure”. They promised the Cure would end Zombie and return life to normal, but nobody promised normal would be easy. I’ve wanted to write a zombie story for some time, and looking at post zombie life is fun. I just finished writing this one, but I will have to do a Rabbit Hole of Research on Zombies!!

As many of you know, my debut novel, “Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else?’ was released on February 23rd 2021. I have paperback copies already available at my website, but I will soon have Hardback copies!!! Keep your eyes out for this. 

Also, Daniel Roche did a YouTube review of my novel: Go check it out here.

Hopefully, with COVID restrictions easing (folks are getting vaccinated which is good) I may be able to do book signings and other fun things, stay tuned for details! I do have books in the wild at Paul Henry’s Art Gallery in Hammond, IN and at the Green Witch Cafe in Highland, IN

And don’t worry, there will be a new issue of Rabbit Hole of Research on July 24th, the One Year Anniversary and I’ll be getting Sexy in Space again! If you want to read past issues, check them out here

Follow me online, and feel free to Email me with questions, comments, questionable science, or who you’d like to see interviewed.

Personal Update: June 26th 2016

This month has flown by, but there was a lot of activity. I had the pleasure of chatting with folks at the Juneteenth Celebration in Hammond, IN. I really enjoyed the conversations, the fellowship, celebrating the accomplishments of the next generation of young scholars, and overall excitement of the event. Cannot wait to do it again next year.

In other news my two novellas are ready to go off to the editor, I outlined a brand new novel, and I started writing the sequel to Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else?

That’s right, I’m 10K words into it—I’ll keep you updated as I work on this project.

Here are a few images from the Juneteenth Celebration.
I had some great conversations and a few ideas for future Rabbit Hole of Research Episodes—Hopefully, I will be doing more events as the summer rolls along!

It was great talking about my book at the Juneteenth Celebration!
A number of readers have said one of their favorite lines in my debut novel is: “Sexual Chocolate Granny, the stuff airplane fantasies are made of …”

Sexual Chocolate Granny—Say what? Want to read more; still need a copy of “Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else?” Buy Here

Thank you if you already picked up a copy. And a bigger thanks if you left me a review!

My werewolf romance novella, ‘Eve’ will be in the ‘Moonlight: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance Anthology’ this fall; Preorder now available here

June Update

Where has the time gone? May zipped by and we are smack dab into June. I spent some time getting plants in the garden (tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants) and relaxed a bit and tried a new gin at 18th Street Distillery!

I was interviewed by fellow author Katherine Soto this month, you can read it here:


In writing land, I finished the first draft of the two Novellas that will be published this fall. Also, I got three manuscript requests (two full and a partial) for my novel “The Cost of Us,” a cyberpunk thriller.

As many of you know, my debut novel, “Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else?’ was released on February 23rd 2021. Still haven’t read it, go check it out here. Hopefully, with COVID restrictions easing (folks are getting vaccinated which is good) I may be able to do book signings and other fun things, stay tuned for details! I do have books in the wild at Paul Henry’s Art Gallery in Hammond, IN and at the Green Witch Cafe in Highland, IN.

Preorder for ‘Moonlight: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance Anthology’ is now available here

Yes, I will have a novella in this anthology! The first draft of the novella about Eve who is a werewolf (And yes, I did a science of werewolf episode) looking to protect her pact, but finds love along the way. So, last episode I had a longer working title, but after some though I am leaning to just “Eve” as the title. There is an awesome lineup of authors so click the link and preorder now

And, you read correctly, I said two novellas are being released this fall. The second will be in the Emerging Worlds Anthology. I am doing a post-zombie novella titled, “The Cure”. They promised the Cure would end Zombie and return life to normal, but nobody promised normal would be easy. I’ve wanted to write a zombie story for some time, and looking at post zombie life is fun. I just finished writing this one, but I will have to do a Rabbit Hole of Research on Zombies!!

And don’t worry, there will be a new issue of Rabbit Hole of Research on June 26th, and I’l going to get in the weeds! If you want to read past issues, check them out here

Follow me online, and feel free to Email me with questions, comments, questionable science, or who you’d like to see interviewed.

May Update: What happened to April?

Not much personal news to update you with, so I thought I’d share a photo from a project I was working on at work, modeling limb development in embryos. On the big screen, the green is the nucleus and the blue is the outline of the cell body. On the little screen you can see the all the electron micrograph of the cells that I’m modeling. 

As many of you know, my debut novel, “Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else?’ was released on February 23rd 2021. Still haven’t read it, go check it out here. Hopefully, with COVID restrictions easing (folks are getting vaccinated which is good) I may be able to do book signings and other fun things, stay tuned for details! And I’m working on two new Novellas releasing later this year. Check out the cover:

Preorder for ‘Moonlight: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance Anthology’ is now available here. The first draft of the novella about Eve who is a werewolf (And yes, I did a science of werewolf episode) looking to protect her pact, but finds love along the way—is hot off the keyboard and will let in cool off before I start editing. Working title is “All Your Stars Are But Moonbeams in My Hair.” What do you think about the title? Email and let me know.

And, you read correctly, i said two novellas are being released this fall. The second will be in the Emerging Worlds Anthology. I am doing a post-zombie novella titled, “The Cure”. They promised the Cure would end Zombie and return life to normal, but nobody promised normal would be easy. I’ve wanted to write a zombie story for some time, and looking at post zombie life is fun. I’m about 14K words in (Whoa, I’m half way there…now that song is stuck in your head).

And don’t worry, there will be a new issue of Rabbit Hole of Research on May 29th, and it’s going to be frosty! If you want to read past issues, check them out here!

Follow me online, and feel free to Email me with questions, comments, questionable science, or who you’d like to see interviewed.