What’s Jotham Checking Out July-August 2023


I read six since the last time I checked in (not including the six books I read for the CWA BOTY contest). I read in a few genres: from Horror (Cynthia’s reimagining of the Pied Piper). Speculative and Science fiction (cloning and space drama). A great film study of one of my favorite movies, The Thing. A thrilling story about a diver that gets swallowed by a whale, and Seth Godin (marketing, leadership and living a creative life). These were some great reads to take my mind off the tasks at hand.

  1. The Dip: A little book that teaches you when to quit: (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6547148) Seth Godin (Non-Fiction leadership)
  2. Never Let Me Go(https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6334): Kazuo Ishiguro (Speculative Fiction)
  3. The Thing (BFI Film Classic) (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1200879): Anne Billson (Film Study)
  4. Children of Chicago (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55878030): Cynthia Pelayo (Horror)
  5. Whalefall (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62919162): Daniel Kraus (Thriller)
  6. Fractal Noise (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62711641): Christopher Paolini (Science-Fiction)

Comics/Graphic Novels:

I read two graphic novel/comic series. I mentioned last time I went to CAKE (Chicago’s Alternative Comics Expo) with Georgia last month and one of the artist/writer I met was Megan, and her Lady Eudora book was a great fun read about a proper woman exploring the world of BDSM. I also read Big Sex Criminal (it’s been in my TBR pile for a year or so)—A couple can stops time when they have an orgasm and decide to rob a bank…

  1. The Lady Eudora Henley (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/52740645): Megan Rose Gerdis (Erotic, BDSM)
  2. Big Hard Sex Criminal Vol 1-6 (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24484259): Writer: Matt Fraction, Illustrator: Chip Zdarsky (Sci-Fi)

You can follow me on Goodreads to see what I’m reading next: 

Jotham’s Goodreads

What’s Jotham Listening to:


Just been digging some algorithmic curated apple playlists.


Here are the four top podcasts I’ve been finding time for (Yes, this is the same list as before, but what can I say these are awesome): 

  1. Creative Peptalk by Andy J Pizza (A companion for your creative journey)
  2. Story Nerd: Melanie Hill and Valerie Francis (Story theory and how to use)
  3. The Shit No One Tells You About Writing: Bianca Marais, CeCe Lyra and Carly Waters (Behind the scenes look at publishing industry)

Okay, that’s where I’m at. I’ll try to update y’all every month on books, comics, and music (podcasts) that I’ve been digging! Maybe I need to add shows and movies??? What have y’all been digging? 

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Find your next favorite book or author with these newsletter giveaways (Reader Magnets), new books, or virtual book-fairs:

Reader Magnet: The Earth is gone. Can the colonists of Mars forge a new society for humanity to survive?

Book: Only 0.99 cents until September 10th: A future society about to collapse. A reluctant hero alone in the world. When he suspects sabotage, will he abandon his newfound friend to save humanity?

Book: When the FBI can’ t help, an unassuming banker takes matters into his own hands to bring his son home

Reader Magnet: Three Prequel stories to The Dragon Eater

What’s been happening May-July 2023

What’s Jotham Reading?


I’m not sure how I did it, but I read 8 books since the last time I checked in. As you know I didn’t write a couple newsletters, so that’s where the extra time went. LOL. I read in a few genres: from Horror (cordyceps fungus zombies and supernatural revenge), literary fiction, and a healthy dose of Seth Godin (marketing, leadership and living a creative life). These were some great reads to take my mind off the tasks at hand.

  1. M. R. Carey: The Girl With All The Gifts(zombies)
  2. M. R. Carey: The Boy On The Bridge (zombies)
  3. Elizabeth Wetmore: Valentine (literary fiction: CWA 2020 Book Of The Year)
  4. Seth Godin: Purple Cow- Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable (marketing)
  5. Seth Godin: The Practice: Shipping Creative Work (creative life)
  6. Seth Godin: The Icarus Deception: How High Will You Fly (leadership)
  7. Seth Godin: Linchpin: Are You Indispensable(leadership)
  8. Stephen Graham Jones: The Only Good Indians(supernatural horror)

Comics/Graphic Novels:

Not only did I spend the past three months away from y’all reading novels, I also read 6 graphic novels. Everything from Manga horror, coming of age and a banned book. I also went to CAKE (Chicago’s Alternative Comics Expo with Georgia last month (I’ll be sharing finds from that next newsletter).

  1. Charles Forsman: I’m Not Okay With This(Coming of age; Netflix series)
  2. Maia Kobabe Gender Queer: A Memoir(autobiographical gender identity: Most challenged/ banned book)
  3. Junji Ito: Tomie
  4. Junji Ito: No Longer Human
  5. Junji Ito: Shiver
  6. Junji Ito: Deserter

You can follow me on Goodreads to see what I’m reading next: 

Jotham’s Goodreads

What’s Jotham Listening to:


I was still digging my monthly subscription to Vinyl Moon. It’s like a mix-tape on vinyl, except they create an experience combining the curated eclectic mix of songs with story telling and artwork. It’s pretty cool and I’m excited to get more editions. ‘

I did do some record digging at a record shop recently, and I’ll share those gems next month.


Here are the four top podcasts I’ve been finding time for: 

  1. Creative Peptalk by Andy J Pizza (A companion for your creative journey)
  2. Akimbo: Seth Godin (a podcast about culture and our place in it)
  3. Story Nerd: Melanie Hill and Valerie Francis (Story theory and how to use)
  4. The Shit No One Tells You About Writing: Bianca Marais, CeCe Lyra and Carly Waters (Behind the scenes look at publishing industry)

Okay, that’s where I’m at. I’ll try to update y’all every month on books, comics, and music (podcasts) that I’ve been digging! Maybe I need to add shows and movies??? What have y’all been digging? 

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