This month has flown by, but there was a lot of activity. I had the pleasure of chatting with folks at the Juneteenth Celebration in Hammond, IN. I really enjoyed the conversations, the fellowship, celebrating the accomplishments of the next generation of young scholars, and overall excitement of the event. Cannot wait to do it again next year.
In other news my two novellas are ready to go off to the editor, I outlined a brand new novel, and I started writing the sequel to Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else?
That’s right, I’m 10K words into it—I’ll keep you updated as I work on this project.
Here are a few images from the Juneteenth Celebration.
I had some great conversations and a few ideas for future Rabbit Hole of Research Episodes—Hopefully, I will be doing more events as the summer rolls along!

It was great talking about my book at the Juneteenth Celebration!
A number of readers have said one of their favorite lines in my debut novel is: “Sexual Chocolate Granny, the stuff airplane fantasies are made of …”
Sexual Chocolate Granny—Say what? Want to read more; still need a copy of “Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else?” Buy Here!
Thank you if you already picked up a copy. And a bigger thanks if you left me a review!
My werewolf romance novella, ‘Eve’ will be in the ‘Moonlight: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance Anthology’ this fall; Preorder now available here