January 2021: Updates

Here is a picture of my desk when I turned the lights out on 2020– and 2021has started with a bang!

I was working hard to get you the next edition of the Rabbit Hole of Research, but it’s not quite finished. It seems I have a bi-monthly newsletter now, one with updates, promos and another traveling down the Rabbit Hole of Research. Next month there may not be a Rabbit Hole of Research offering, because a lot of my time is being dedicated to marketing efforts building up to the release of my debut sci-fi psychological thriller, “Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else?

Not to fear, the back issues of Rabbit Hole of Research are posted on my website, and If you missed an issue (or you are new to my newsletter) go check them out here. They are a fun take on the quirky science in Fiction books and movies. And I’ll be back in March with an exciting new episode. I have gotten a few reader requests—plasma arrows, Independence Day, Tenet—I am making a list and checking it … well that’s a different story. LOL

Speaking of marketing, I have been reaching out to fellow writers and influencers asking for blurbs and endorsements for my debut novel. I’ve had two great interactions after sending request email out.

I have been following an awesome comic writer, Jon Parrish. I meet him at a comic con a few years ago, and there is a long story about the mystery of a truck with a ClusterF@#K sticker (ClusterF@#K is the title of one of his comics). Turns out it was my truck—mystery solved. I signed up for Jon’s newsletter and reading his musings was one of the inspirations for me to start Rabbit Hole of Research. Jon’s newsletter is like looking into the mind of a creative—the successes, the struggles and everything inbetween. Jon wrote back to me and passed along some good newsletter advice and his motivations, “a newsletter should inform, educate, and/or entertain, and I try to do one of these with every one.” Please go and check out Jon’s work and sign up for his newsletter: Secrets and Shadows

The second interaction from my promotional efforts was from Mary Mcann! Mary is many things, a talented poet and story teller, performer, radio host, pioneer of internet radio, voice talent on audiobooks, and supporter of writers like me. I meet Mary while I was living in Tempe, AZ (late 90’s early 00’s) and she inspired and gave me sparks of confidence that people would enjoy and want to hear my words. There is always a longer story, but not only did Mary give me a platform to share my words, but through a series of performances after that, I met Georgia, my wife!

It was exciting to reconnect with Mary after many years, and after a year with no Cons connecting with Jon. I am looking forward to getting their feedback on my debut novel (and the other folks that are reviewing my novel—thanks in advance). Got my first five Star review on Goodreads!!

Personally, I never imagined that my writing career would start to lift off as it has, and I’d be worrying about marketing, Newsletters or launch dates for novel’s and stories.

Thanks for reading! Stay Healthy and Sane!

Follow me on the internet for updates: Social Links

December 2020 Newsletter: Bugs, How Big Can They Get?

Movies/books like Them!, Eight Legged Freaks, Starship Troopers (book and movie), Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings series (giant spiders), James and the Giant Peach (book and movie), Empire of the Ants, Invasion of the Bee Girls, the Wasp Woman, The Fly (1958 & 1986), AntMan (not the man in the suit, but there was a giant ant playing the drums) and many others have giant terrifying arthropods.

I know what you are saying, “Jotham, it’s holiday season, where’s the holiday Rabbit hole of Research.” Bah humbug. Lol. Okay, don’t throw any snowballs at me. You want a holiday tie in to giant insects, never fear the internet rabbit hole always delivers: Edmund Gwenn, best known for his role as Santa Claus in the classic Christmas film Miracle on 34th Street, plays Dr. Harold Medford in “Them!”—Now that we have that matter settled, how big can bugs get.

So, I like to think there are three categories of giant bugs in fiction: 1) Human to insect experiment gone wrong—i.e The Fly; 2) assisted evolution (chemical, nuclear fallout, etc accelerates growth): Them! (A-bomb testing in desert), Let The Ants Try, by Frederik Pohl (a great short story combining time travel and giant insects); and 3) giant insects from outer space—Starship Troopers (a great mix of military satire and giant insects, “The only good bug, is a dead bug…”
On a personal note, “Let the Ants Try,” originally published in the Winter 1949 issue of Planet Stories, was one of the first science fiction stories I ever read (and no, I’m not that old). It was in an anthology (i couldn’t remember the name) my dad was reading and he thought I’d like the story. I had forgotten about this until writing the newsletter. And the internet never fails: the anthology was edited by Robert Silverberg “Mutants: Eleven stories of science fiction” and yes I ordered it); back to the giant bugs—

So, should we be investing in giant fly seater technology or is giant insects just a fiction fantasy? Let’s go down the Rabbit Hole of Research and find out. Click here to read more

Sign up to the newsletter to never miss an issue!

December: Holiday Update

Happy Holidays!

Happy Saturday! Hope y’all are having a good day.

Before we get going, I want to take a few words and thank you all for trusting me with your time, reading my words, giving feedback and encouragement. Hopefully, I can continue to entertain you all. Have a Healthy, Safe and Happy holiday season.

It has been a long and crazy year, and the one thing I tried to do is maintain balance. For me that’s balancing my science research work life, writing life, and family life. Exhausting just writing it!
I was working hard to get you the next edition of the Rabbit Hole of Research, but it’s not quite finished. A number of things came up at work and family, and I didn’t want to send out crap. I would never send out anything that I didn’t feel was worth your time reading. I do put a lot of effort into the research and the writing of the Rabbit Hole of Research. I hope you have been enjoying then and the next edition should be ready next weekend, a nice holiday read.

If you missed an issue (or you are new to my newsletter) go check them out here. They are a fun take on the quirky science in Fiction books and movies.

I have been busy with other projects and marketing. Marketing is the thing no one talks about when you are writing your novel. But, building platforms, like this newsletter, Twitter, Instagram, etc, becomes very important as book launches approach. Also, marketing efforts take up more time than you think. The more you put in the more you get out. With that said I wanted to get this special edition newsletter off to you because I am working with some other authors to share our stories with our networks of readers. So please click on the links below and check out their stories.

Personally, I never imagined that my writing career would start to lift off as it has, and I’d be worrying about marketing or launch dates for novel’s and stories. 2021 will be a busy year with the two releases, January and February, and I will also be working on several new stories. I have been accepted into three anthologies:

1) Moonlight Anthology— A paranormal Romance novella— if you remember a few newsletters ago I was researching werewolves—“Finding Light on The Dark Side of The Moon”—released October 2021

2) Emerging Worlds Anthology—an after isolation novella—“The Cure”—released November 2021

3) Virus Apocalypse Anthology—a horror pandemic Anthology (yes a fictional story)—“Long Way Back Home”—released March 2022

Also, I have been working on a new novel, ‘The Cost of Us” that I will be querying to agents soon and a graphic novel script. And, as early reviews about my novel form Advance Readers come in, I have started to outline a part 2!

And you will be getting your monthly fix of Jotham via the Rabbit Hole of Research Newsletter. I have been contemplating also using YouTube, Twitch, TikTok or Podcasts to bring you more Rabbit Hole of Research. What do you think?

I know this year has been crazy, but are you looking forward to any holiday traditions? Email me and let me know!

This year we put 20 of our favorite holiday movies into a tin Star Wars can (5 movies each) and we have been randomly drawing them:

So far we have watched 5:

  1. Nightmare before Christmas
  2. Let it snow 
  3. A Christmas Carol (1951)
  4. Daddy’s Home (questionable Holiday movie, there was a Christmas in April scene, but…)
  5. Klaus

Follow me on the internet to see what other movies are on the list! Will your favorite make it on our list? Social Links

Where’s the Book?

4 drafts and the outline of Will You Still Love Me, If I Become Someone Else?

So, after I told everyone that I signed a contract to publish my novel—everyone started asking about how the book was coming along, and when they could buy it?

I’d say, “It’s with the editors … or I’m revising.” Their response was, “But, you signed with RhetAskew Publishing in January 2019, where’s the book?”

Frustrated, I’d reply, “It’s coming along I promise.” I love you guys but a lot goes into getting a book published (more than I realized and I was getting into the trenches).
I snapped this picture to show a bit of the editing work that goes into the novel after you sign a contract. There are four printed manuscripts in the photo, each representing a major round of editing and/or revisions. Based on editor’s suggestions, beta-reader comments. Since January I have read my manuscript over 7 times (I still get chills when I get to the last few chapters).

So, how’d all this happen, you ask? In January 2018, I started to send queries and hashtag pitches on Twitter—out to agents. Here are the stats: The book was considered a mismatch (I like saying this versus rejected) to 15 agents and 3 publishers. I had two partial request and 4 full manuscript request.

While the manuscript was being considered by the agents and publishers that requested it, I got that email! Late December 2018, RhetAskew sent the best Christmas present, an email offering to publish “Will You Still Love Me, If I Become Someone Else?” I was at work and asked a co-worker to read the email because I couldn’t believe it. Now, a year later, I’m only months away from a long time dream—2020 is going to be fun!

Recently, I signed another contract to have my Romance Comedy Novella included in a Box Set, coming December 2020!

The journey is long and at times arduous, but always keep moving forward. Please stay tuned as the books move closer to production, cover reveal, release dates, book launches, contests and more about the process.

If you want to be in the know, sign up for my newsletter!

Remember the three P’s of writing, Practice, Patience and Persistence! We’ll talk more about these!

Happy writing!


Big News!

Recently, I singed a contract with RhetAskew Publishing to publish my debut Science Fiction Novel, “Will You Still Love Me If I Become Someone Else?” Stay tuned for more news, and the process. Follow me @jomega22

