

Jotham Austin, II is a research associate professor at The University of Chicago and the author of the sci-fi psychological thriller, ‘Will You Still Love Me, If I Become Someone Else?” released by RhetAskew Publishing. Order here. Jotham is now rep’d by Kat Kerr.

Jotham has a PhD in Botany and uses electron microscopy to take pictures of cells. When he is not in the laboratory or writing, he can be found gardening, woodworking, or enjoying a craft beer.

Jotham, also writes the bimonthly newsletter, ‘Rabbit Hole of Research’ and Podcast with Georgia Geis (atomic number14) and Nick Elizalde that explores the science in fiction and tries to separate the Handwavium from the actual facts in the things we read and see in SciFi, fantasy and pop culture.

For the latest info on Jotham and other cool tid-bits, follow Jotham on the Interwebs, and here for Jotham’s academic research articles

For the latest on Georgia Geis (@atomicnumber14) and to see more of her cool hand-pulled prints Check it out here.